JNT University Kakinada, India
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJRED11873, author = {Cherukuri Kumar and Rayapudi Rao}, title = {A Novel Global MPP Tracking of Photovoltaic System based on Whale Optimization Algorithm}, journal = {International Journal of Renewable Energy Development}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Maximum power point tracking; Partial shaded condition; Photovoltaic generation system; Single diode model; Whale optimization algorithm}, abstract = { To harvest maximum amount of solar energy and to attain higher efficiency, photovoltaic generation (PVG) systems are to be operated at their maximum power point (MPP) under both variable climatic and partial shaded condition (PSC). From literature most of conventional MPP tracking (MPPT) methods are able to guarantee MPP successfully under uniform shading condition but fails to get global MPP as they may trap at local MPP under PSC, which adversely deteriorates the efficiency of Photovoltaic Generation (PVG) system. In this paper a novel MPPT based on Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is proposed to analyze analytic modeling of PV system considering both series and shunt resistances for MPP tracking under PSC. The proposed algorithm is tested on 6S, 3S2P and 2S3P Photovoltaic array configurations for different shading patterns and results are presented. To compare the performance, GWO and PSO MPPT algorithms are also simulated and results are also presented. From the results it is noticed that proposed MPPT method is superior to other MPPT methods with reference to accuracy and tracking speed. Article History : Received July 23 rd 2016; Received in revised form September 15 th 2016; Accepted October 1 st 2016; Available online How to Cite This Article : Kumar, C.H.S and Rao, R.S. (2016) A Novel Global MPP Tracking of Photovoltaic System based on Whale Optimization Algorithm. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 5(3), 225-232. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/ijred.5.3.225-232 }, pages = {225--232} doi = {10.14710/ijred.5.3.225-232}, url = {https://ijred.cbiore.id/index.php/ijred/article/view/11873} }
Refworks Citation Data :
To harvest maximum amount of solar energy and to attain higher efficiency, photovoltaic generation (PVG) systems are to be operated at their maximum power point (MPP) under both variable climatic and partial shaded condition (PSC). From literature most of conventional MPP tracking (MPPT) methods are able to guarantee MPP successfully under uniform shading condition but fails to get global MPP as they may trap at local MPP under PSC, which adversely deteriorates the efficiency of Photovoltaic Generation (PVG) system. In this paper a novel MPPT based on Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is proposed to analyze analytic modeling of PV system considering both series and shunt resistances for MPP tracking under PSC. The proposed algorithm is tested on 6S, 3S2P and 2S3P Photovoltaic array configurations for different shading patterns and results are presented. To compare the performance, GWO and PSO MPPT algorithms are also simulated and results are also presented. From the results it is noticed that proposed MPPT method is superior to other MPPT methods with reference to accuracy and tracking speed.
Article History: Received July 23rd 2016; Received in revised form September 15th 2016; Accepted October 1st 2016; Available online
How to Cite This Article: Kumar, C.H.S and Rao, R.S. (2016) A Novel Global MPP Tracking of Photovoltaic System based on Whale Optimization Algorithm. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 5(3), 225-232.
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