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A Linear Regression Model for Global Solar Radiation on Horizontal Surfaces at Warri, Nigeria

1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ambrose Alli University, , Nigeria

2P. M. B. 14, Ekpoma-310006, Nigeria

Published: 30 Oct 2013.

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The growing anxiety on the negative effects of fossil fuels on the environment and the global emission reduction targets call for a more extensive use of renewable energy alternatives. Efficient solar energy utilization is an essential solution to the high atmospheric pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion. Global solar radiation (GSR) data, which are useful for the design and evaluation of solar energy conversion system, are not measured at the forty-five meteorological stations in Nigeria. The dearth of the measured solar radiation data calls for accurate estimation. This study proposed a temperature-based linear regression, for predicting the monthly average daily GSR on horizontal surfaces, at Warri (latitude 5.020N and longitude 7.880E) an oil city located in the south-south geopolitical zone, in Nigeria. The proposed model is analyzed based on five statistical indicators (coefficient of correlation, coefficient of determination, mean bias error, root mean square error, and t-statistic), and compared with the existing sunshine-based model for the same study. The results indicate that the proposed temperature-based linear regression model could replace the existing sunshine-based model for generating global solar radiation data.


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Keywords: air temperature; empirical model; global solar radiation; regression analysis; renewable energy; Warri

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