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Optimization of Concentration and EM4 Augmentation for Improving Bio-Gas Productivity from Jatropha curcas Linn Capsule Husk

1Faculty of Agrotechnology University of Merdeka, Jl. Serayu, PO. Box 12, Madiun, Indonesia

2Renewable Energy University of Darma Persada, Jl. Raden Inten II, Jakarta, Indonesia

3Technical Implementation Unit for Development of Chemical Engineering Processes – Indonesian Institute of Sciences, , Indonesia

4 Jl. Jogja – Wonosari Km. 31,5 Desa Gading, Kec. Playen, Kab. Gunungkidul , Indonesia 55861 , Indonesia

5 dPT Bumimas Ekapersada, Pasiranji, Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi – 17812, Indonesia

6 PT Bumimas Ekapersada, Pasiranji, Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi – 17812, Indonesia

7 Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus Bogor, Indonesia

8 Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus Bogor, Indonesia 16680, Indonesia

9 PT Sinarmas Agroresources and Technology Tbk., Sinarmas Land Plaza, Tower II, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia

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Published: 15 Feb 2014.

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Most literature suggests that two-phase digestion is more efficient than single-phase. The series of two-phase digestion studies have been conducted from 2011 to 2013 at the research farm of PT Bumimas Ekapersada, West Java, Indonesia. This paper reports on a research on optimation of concentration and augmentation of EM-4 (effective microorganism-4), a local commercial decomposer, as efforts to stabilize a biogas technology which made from husk capsules of Jatropha curcas Linn (DH-JcL). The studies of increasing organic loading rate (OLR) for the two-phase digestion was conducted to improve efficiency.  The concentration variable studied was 1: 8 (1 part DH-JCL and 8 parts water), compared to 1: 12 as a control. The augmentation treatment is the addition of EM-4 by 5% (v/v). It was also examined the augmentation of F2-EM4 (150 times duplication of EM-4) due to cost consideration. The studies were conducted in the laboratory which using a liter and two liters of glass digester and glass wool as immobilized growth. The results of this study support the previous studies: the optimum concentration was 1: 8, EM-4 was able to increase biogas production in two-phase digestion, yet biogas production decrease at single-phase. F2-EM4’s ability to support production of biogas were equivalent to that of EM-4.

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Keywords: , EM-4, concentration, Jatropha curcas Linn capsule husk, two-phase anaerobic digestion

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