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Synthesis of Trimethylolpropane Esters of Calophyllum Methyl Esters : Effect of Temperature and Molar Ratio

1Department of Chemical Engineering , Indonesia

2Jayabaya University, Indonesia

3Departemen of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia, Indonesia

Published: 15 Oct 2014.

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Trimethylolpropane esters were synthesized by transesterification of calophyllum methyl esters and trimethylolpropane using a calcium oxide as the catalyst. The results showed that the optimal reaction conditions (temperature: 130 0C, reaction time: 5 h, reactant molar ratio: 3.9:1, catalyst amount 3%w/w, and formed  trimethylolpropane ester of 79.0% were obtained. The basic physicochemical properties of the trimethylolpropane esters were the following : kinematic viscosities of 56.40 cSt and 8.8 cSt at 40 0C and 100 0C,  viscosity index 193, flash point 218 0C and pour point -3 0C. So Methyl esters of fatty acids of would callophylum  methyl ester is good raw material for the synthesis of lubricating oils.

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Keywords: callophylum methyl ester, transesterification; calcium oxide; trimethylolpropane esters

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